Music Curriculum

Our High School Music curriculum is designed to equip students to become skillful and wholehearted worshipers.

The Music Program at Faith Heritage School fosters a love for music while developing students’ technical skills and appreciation for worship. Through performance, theory, and ensemble experiences, students grow in creativity, discipline, and teamwork. Rooted in Christian values, the program encourages students to use their musical talents to glorify God and enrich their community.

Music Appreciation

Required for all seventh graders. The course is intended to: (1) increase the students’ knowledge of music history by studying the various time periods of music from Biblical times to the 20th Century, (2) develop an understanding and appreciation of music, especially as a means to worship and praise God, and (3) help develop high personal standards in music that is listened to so that music will be a source of enjoyment throughout life.

High School Choir

High School Choir allows the student to work with other voices as well as participate in solo work.  Four-part singing is the standard for this choir.  A variety of music is sung including classical, contemporary, and spirituals. There is an emphasis on counting rhythms and reading pitches.

Junior High Band

This course is an elective for students in grades 7 – 8 who have had one or more years of instrumental lessons.  The objective of the band program is to train the students to play their instruments skillfully.  Students participate in weekly rehearsals and lessons which will result in a greater enjoyment and appreciation of sacred and secular music.  The band performs at least two times each year.

Senior High Band

This course is an elective for students in grades 9 -12 who have had experience in the junior high band.  Students continue to develop their instrumental skills during their weekly rehearsals and lessons.  There are many opportunities to perform solos and ensembles as well as several concerts each year.  Students are encouraged to develop their appreciation for sacred and secular band literature and to use their talents to praise and worship God.

Applied Music

Students may earn ½ credit by taking private music lessons from qualified teachers who are not necessarily connected to our school.  Requires participation in the New York State School Music Association as a final evaluation. Private teachers are required to submit grades for each marking period.  The responsibility for approving the private music instruction and for the results of the examination rests with the school’s music chairperson.

Introduction to Music Theory I (OCC MUS 160)

This is a dual-credit course offered via the OCC College Credit Now program. This ½ credit (3 credit hours) course focuses on basic music theory, including notation, scales, intervals, rhythmic elements, ear training, chords, and modes. MUS 160 is designed for the non-music major and/or prospective music major, as determined by the matriculating school. Available to 11th and 12th grade students.