Our students will become seekers of truth in the area of human history.
We believe history is best understood and applied when learning about the past happens through a Biblical worldview. Students are prepared to evaluate the lessons of history and to write and express their viewpoints on that history through that lens.
Social Studies 6
After covering the topics of globe and map skills and various landforms, Ancient Civilization is the general topic of learning in Sixth Grade Social Studies using the acronym GRAPES as the anchor for each unit. These concepts are Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, and Social Structure. Students will also write a Country Report, assemble a Country Display board, and participate in an International Dinner.
Social Studies 7
The study of American History beginning with the explorers, then moving on to the Columbian Exchange, Colonialism in America, the Spread of Christianity to America, the American Indian Tribes (Native Americans), French & Indian War, American Revolution, and the US Constitution. Further study includes The American Presidency from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln, War of 1812, Manifest Destiny, The Jackson Era, Mexican War, and pre-Civil War era. Students will begin to interpret and analyze historical documents and make the connection between historical events and their lives today. New York State and its historical role in American history, in addition to the Bible and a Christ-centered worldview, will be emphasized.
Social Studies 8
The students will be able to identify social, economic, political, and technological changes in American history from the Civil War to the present. This course is designed to help students uncover the patterns of events which occurred in our society, in addition to understanding why these particular events unfolded and how it shaped the United States of America. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking skills through diverse activities to analyze our country’s history and how it relates to current events in the world today. Topics of study include the Civil War, Reconstruction, American Expansion West, Native Americans (American Indian), The Industrial Revolution, The Gilded Age, Progressives, American Imperialism, World War I, Roaring 20s, the Depression, World War II, the Cold War & Globalism to the Modern Age. This course will revolve around the Bible and how it guides our understanding of history.
Global Studies 9
The first half of a two-year sequential course. It is a chronological approach beginning with the history of creation and ancient civilizations including Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. The next area of study is the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, proceeding then into the Middle Ages in Western Europe. The course concludes with the Golden Ages outside of Western Europe. Also included in the course is a focus on the religion, geography, culture, and economic development of the various regions of study.
Global Studies 10
Global Studies 10 is the second half of a two-year sequential course. It is a continuation of the study of God’s world and focuses on the history, geography, religion, culture, economic development; and contemporary nations of Western Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
11th Grade History Courses:
US History
A study of the history of America which follows the curriculum and standards of America as a nation. The rigorous course begins with colonization and ends with America in transition (1980’s – 1990’s) taught from a Christian biblical worldview.
AP US History
AP United States History is a demanding college level, United States history course for highly motivated students. Participants should expect to engage in extensive reading, writing, and critical analysis throughout the year. Students must assume responsibility for independently learning a great deal of the course content. It is part of a national program administered by the College Entrance Board and offers the opportunity to earn up to six college credits, depending upon the student’s performance on the Advanced Placement examination. It is a full year survey of American History from the Pre-Colonial Period to the present, the foundation being the Christian biblical view of History.
A study of the history of America which follows the curriculum and standards of America as a nation. The rigorous course begins with colonization and ends with America in transition (1980’s – 1990’s) taught from a Christian biblical worldview.
AP US History
AP United States History is a demanding college level, United States history course for highly motivated students. Participants should expect to engage in extensive reading, writing, and critical analysis throughout the year. Students must assume responsibility for independently learning a great deal of the course content. It is part of a national program administered by the College Entrance Board and offers the opportunity to earn up to six college credits, depending upon the student’s performance on the Advanced Placement examination. It is a full year survey of American History from the Pre-Colonial Period to the present, the foundation being the Christian biblical view of History.
12th Grade History Courses:
Political Science
Designed to give students a critical perspective on government and politics in the United States. It involves the study of general concepts of government such as politics, as well as the study of nature of the American political system, its development, and how it works. Also, the course examines the principal processes, institutions, and the making and the implementation of public policies at the national level. Topics include Constitutional Underpinnings, Political Beliefs and Behaviors, Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media, Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Bureaucracy, Courts, Public Policy, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Christian and Biblical influence on the formation of American Government and the role of a Christian citizen will be emphasized.
Honors Political Science
The senior Honors Political Science program does an in-depth study of the Constitution and the government systems. Each branch of the government; legislative, executive and judicial; is covered in detail. Additional topics include the political process, foreign policy, and civil rights, with an emphasis on religious freedom. Students are expected to write a major position paper, do a book review from the reading list, and complete a project with encouragement to do a participatory project. The great political philosophers of history are studied. Emphasis is placed on the role of the Christian citizen and the responsibility this includes.
A survey course dealing with basic economics and economic philosophy and policy. Students will learn about a variety of topics including supply & demand, money, banking, the stock market, business, entrepreneurship, personal finance, investing, governmental economic policy, taxes, and college and career financial planning. Managing money from a Biblical view will be emphasized throughout.
Honors Economics
A detailed look at the American economic system with an emphasis on economic institutions. The curriculum covers microeconomic topics such as supply, demand and equilibrium price; factors of production; income, income distribution and poverty; and economic institutions (business models, labor unions and the stock market). In macroeconomics, topics include GDP, business cycles, unemployment, inflation, deficit, national debt, and the contemporary theories of fiscal policy, monetary policy and supply-side economics. Students have a major writing assignment on a biblical view of the Christian’s responsibility to the poor. The great economic philosophers of history are studied.
Designed to give students a critical perspective on government and politics in the United States. It involves the study of general concepts of government such as politics, as well as the study of nature of the American political system, its development, and how it works. Also, the course examines the principal processes, institutions, and the making and the implementation of public policies at the national level. Topics include Constitutional Underpinnings, Political Beliefs and Behaviors, Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media, Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Bureaucracy, Courts, Public Policy, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Christian and Biblical influence on the formation of American Government and the role of a Christian citizen will be emphasized.
Honors Political Science
The senior Honors Political Science program does an in-depth study of the Constitution and the government systems. Each branch of the government; legislative, executive and judicial; is covered in detail. Additional topics include the political process, foreign policy, and civil rights, with an emphasis on religious freedom. Students are expected to write a major position paper, do a book review from the reading list, and complete a project with encouragement to do a participatory project. The great political philosophers of history are studied. Emphasis is placed on the role of the Christian citizen and the responsibility this includes.
A survey course dealing with basic economics and economic philosophy and policy. Students will learn about a variety of topics including supply & demand, money, banking, the stock market, business, entrepreneurship, personal finance, investing, governmental economic policy, taxes, and college and career financial planning. Managing money from a Biblical view will be emphasized throughout.
Honors Economics
A detailed look at the American economic system with an emphasis on economic institutions. The curriculum covers microeconomic topics such as supply, demand and equilibrium price; factors of production; income, income distribution and poverty; and economic institutions (business models, labor unions and the stock market). In macroeconomics, topics include GDP, business cycles, unemployment, inflation, deficit, national debt, and the contemporary theories of fiscal policy, monetary policy and supply-side economics. Students have a major writing assignment on a biblical view of the Christian’s responsibility to the poor. The great economic philosophers of history are studied.